The work I’m most proud of isn’t in my portfolio.

I’m driven by a desire to motivate, inspire, collaborate, and build culture. Seeing the impact I’ve had on others is truly my greatest professional achievement.


The following principles are the foundation of my work.

One of the essential things a leader must do is clearly communicate the standards they hold themselves and their teams to. These standards define the expectations for the work as well as the culture of the team. Holding ourselves to these standards brings us together through a shared vision. 

Team Leadership

I’ve been fortunate enough to build and lead multiple teams. Not only have those teams created truly innovative work but they have also been able to create real impact within the company. None of this has happened by mistake. I have grounded my teams in four core areas – collaboration, creativity, craft, and culture.


We work within our team to build relationships and trust across all disciplines.

We work outside our team to build relationships and trust with product owners, clients, and business partners.


We use Design Thinking as an inclusive process to create our work.

We understand that our value is in our ideas and our creativity. 


We bring our ideas to life with the same attention to detail that we use to create them.

We constantly work to refine and evolve our process and tools.


We believe in coaching and living the Creative Team’s beliefs.

We understand, appreciate and grow everyone’s unique creative process. 

Thought Leadership

I’m constantly working to find insights, understand consumer needs, and create concepts that influence consumers, drive revenue, and meet business goals.

I’m passionate about creativity, design, leadership, and personal development. Always in honor of making the world a more creative place.

I’m always looking for opportunities to share my insights and point of view. I’m always available for public speaking, consulting, training, or running a workshop.

A huge thank you to Stephen Gates for being an endless source of inspiration and guidance in developing the philosophy and beliefs stated above. I rely upon them on a daily basis.